Thursday, October 22, 2009

One Year Anniversary, BJJ, Muay Thai, writing, etc. etc

A year ago yesterday I walked through the doors of Serra Jiu-Jitsu for the first time and my life has not been the same since. I have lost 40 pounds and gained more than I can ever say. I would like to thank all my instructors and training partners, hopefully one day I will be good enough to make them all proud!

I am hitting the Jiu-Jitsu as hard as I possibly can. After achieving my fourth stripe back on August 25 my obsession with earning my blue belt has increased immensely. And I had thought that it was at peak levels before, boy was I wrong! I love Jiu-Jitsu so much and want so badly to perform well! I know I have to keep walking through that door and have faith that every time I train I am improving, even if I cannot see it, it is there.

I have been hitting the beginners gi class on Tuesday nights and since June 20th I have moved on to taking the advanced no gi class on Saturday afternoons every week. The difference in gi and no gi is very clear and a big adjustment for sure. Add to that facing the upper belts and doing feet on the floor matches and conga lines and the intensity is huge. Everyone is great though and extremely helpful. I am very lucky to train with such great teammates who want nothing but to help everyone get better. Everyone is so selfless and wants to help everyone else out. Such a fantastic environment to train in! Not to mention the unbelievable instructors we have!

This past Tuesday after my regular beginners gi class I was asked by Del, one of our instructors, if I would be able to stay for the competition class to help Nikole, one of our blue belts, to get ready for an upcoming competition. Del, warned me that the class was "not fun." Of course I jumped at the chance to work with someone as experienced as Nikole! She was awesome to work with and I really enjoyed the class. Man, two classes back to back, especially one as intense as the competition class was a hell of a work out!

Again I must apologize as it has been quite some time since my last post. I am however making a renewed commitment to posting something on here every day. Even if it is just a few sentences, I need to write every day. I feel that it will improve my state of mind and to help me achieve some clarity.

I have also decided that I should start carrying my digital camera with me every where I go. The thing is so small and light it's ridiculous not to have it with me. Especially when I live and work where I do, there are so many things that catch my eye and make me stop and think on a daily basis. I am no photographer, not by a long shot, but I would love to just give it a run of taking photos of the things that catch my eye. Besides, I have a huge memory card in the thing and it takes what, 2 seconds to delete a shot I don't like?

I have Muay Thai tonight for the first time in a few weeks. I missed class on 10/1 as my old shoulder injury was acting up and I wanted to rest my arm so that it would be good to go for Jiu-Jitsu on that Saturday. I missed class on 10/8 as we were leaving for Salem, Mass the next day and I had to pick up Lyric, pack, and settle some last minute details. And then I missed class last week on 10/15 as Erin and I had tickets to the Dead Man's Bones show. I am a little nervous as the Muay Thai class is very intense. I am also pretty damn sore in my hips for some reason the past two days. Glucosamine don't fail me now! Of course this has not stopped me from my daily cardio routines!

Speaking of the Dead Man's Bones show, what an awesome show! It was the best time I have had at a show in a long time! They played so well and were having such a good time up there! Those fellas really make me want to find time to pick up the guitar again and write some damn music! I love their album too, if you have not picked it up yet, I definitely recommend it!

Well, I think that I have prattled on for long enough today! I will be back tomorrow with more of my incessant rambling!

Currently Reading:
A Mad Dash (Limited Edition, signed by the author) by Henry Rollins

Currently dominating my iPod:
Dead Man’s Bones – Dead Man’s Bones
Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs – It’s Blitz!
M83 – Saturdays = Youth
Silversun Pickups - Swoon

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